Professional Hunting Guide Services
Sometimes called ‘the poor mans sheep hunt’ we call it the rich mans world class sheep hunting
experience is some of the roughest most remote desert mountains of New Mexico.
With its shaggy mane, chaps, big thick heart shaped horns and stony eyes, it makes bad ass trophy for the wall and as with all wild sheep, absolutely excellent table fare.
And above all of this, with tags being good for harvesting ‘Either Sex’, this hunt makes a super advanced level hunt for our ModernHuntsman training program too.
- Hunting on our favorite remote hunting grounds of the Las Cruces and Roswell BLM Districts
- Private hunt parties and camps
- Long distance spot and stalk hunting for the most fun
- Dec., Jan. and Feb. rifle hunt dates
- High success Public Land Draw tags with application deadline in March
- TrophyBuck – fully outfitted services in private deluxe tent camps in remote areas for a great
experience in the wild western landscapes - ProGuide – guided only – services lodging and dining in nearby towns during colder weather for
comfort and saving energy for a hard hunting experience